Women's Hanfu

how to wear hanfu

Hanfu is a traditional Chinese clothing style that dates back to the Han Dynasty. It is an elegant and flowing attire that reflects China’s rich cultural history. If you’re looking to wear Hanfu, here’s a step-by-step guide on how to put it on:

how to wear hanfu

how to wear hanfu

  1. Choose the right Hanfu: There are various types of Hanfu, such as Shenyi, Ruqun, and Aoqun. Each type has its unique style and components. Select the one that suits your preference and the occasion.
  2. Put on the inner garment: Hanfu usually includes an inner garment, such as a Zhongyi (中衣) or Daxiushan (大袖衫). Wear the inner garment first, making sure it fits comfortably.
  3. Wear the lower garment: Depending on the style of Hanfu, you may need to wear a skirt (Qun) or pants (Ku). For skirts, wrap it around your waist and secure it with a waistband, sash, or belt. For pants, simply put them on and fasten any buttons or ties.
  4. Put on the outer garment: The outer garment can be an Ao (袄) or a long robe (Shenyi). For an Ao, wear it over the inner garment, and fasten the buttons or ties. For a Shenyi, drape it over your body, and secure it with a waistband, sash, or belt.
  5. Add accessories: Complete your Hanfu look with traditional Chinese accessories, such as a decorative waistband or sash, silk ribbons, hair ornaments, and traditional Chinese shoes.
  6. Style your hair: Traditional Hanfu hairstyles vary depending on gender and the specific Hanfu style. Women often wear their hair in a bun, adorned with hairpins and ornaments, while men may wear their hair in a topknot or with a headpiece.

Remember that different Hanfu styles might require specific ways of wearing and layering garments. It is essential to familiarize yourself with the particular Hanfu style you’ve chosen and follow the appropriate steps. The key is to wear Hanfu with grace and confidence, showcasing the beauty of traditional Chinese culture.

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